Thursday, 24 January 2013

Here is the trailer for the Exomechs: see these giant robots in action!

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

OK, tomorrow is our biggest single release ever: it's all happening in North America! More detail here:

You can now contact us by emailing Send us your questions, ideas, critiques, suggestions and comments... We are all ears!

Sunday, 20 January 2013

We have now bought the domain name. You can now visit this blog from!

Friday, 18 January 2013

There will be 5 Exomechs to chose from: Steel, Platinum, Oxide, Obsidian and Golden Exomechs!

Here are some images of the Exomechs, our upcoming locomotion objects: they should be released in EU next Wednesday, and a bit later in NA!

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

A lot of people are asking me where to buy Atom Republic items. Until we have a public space later this year, you have to buy them from the Navigator and from the shopping mall.

If you're in NA, you can buy them from the navigator: in the shop column, navigate to the "New & Featured" section, then "New". Click on the Atom Republic icon on the 3rd row. The Radpetz can also be purchased from the "sidekicks" store in the shopping mall.

In EU, the Radpetz and dances are in the "Stuff" store, and the jackets and moustaches are in the "Threads" store: both stores are located in the Shopping Mall East. 

Saturday, 5 January 2013

The Black Dragon hoverbike was voted Europe's favourite locomotion object:

Thank you to all who voted in Aphazone4's PlayStation Home awards!